Toronto’s West End Street Art


Over this long weekend I took a walk in the warm-ish sunshine on Monday evening and snapped a few pictures of the wicked art that lines the tracks, alleys and side streets of Toronto’s West end.


99 Sudbury Street

Canada's largest graffiti production wall. This was completed three years ago. It's a seemingly endless wall alongside the tracks in Parkdale - Sudbury Street. This is a small portion, but my favourite part. The sunset doesn't hurt flaw image either.

Canada’s largest graffiti production wall. This was completed three years ago. It’s a seemingly endless wall alongside the tracks in Parkdale – Sudbury Street. This is a small portion, but my favourite part. The sunset doesn’t hurt flaw image either.

Parkdale alley. Fishies!  Don't fall for beauty; when you're blinded by love you don't notice what's sneaking up right behind you. Watch your back because no one else will do that for you.

Parkdale alley. Fishies!
Don’t fall for beauty; when you’re blinded by love you don’t notice what’s sneaking up right behind you.
Watch your back because no one else will do that for you. Don’t be so fucking doe-eyed.


Alien invasion; they’re just like us, but green.


Rafiki just gets it.


It’s rarely about the brush you hold, but the way in which you use it “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it”


Lion King? Concrete Jungle? Are you feeling lost in the world? Trapped among trees, creatures, and traveling off the beaten path? What do you get from this? For me: Life is a constant jungle, it’s challenging, it confronts you in unexpected way, you don’t know what’s coming at you next, but, hey, the journey is the best adventure. Hakuna Matata!



Some words from the Parkdale dictionary.

Some words from the Parkdale dictionary.

Posted with love,


Seriously Cool Streets Toronto


If you’ve visited Toronto, or live here, it’s no surprise that you’ve seen street art in various locations scattered across the entire city. I’ve had the opportunity to see some pretty cool pieces, but not nearly as much as I’d  like. I often stumble upon the art unintentionally and I always hope to find more.

Toronto has got some extremely talented artists, I can imagine there are many Banksy-like up and comers within this city.

And it is much more than random bursts of creativity. Street art is a cultural experience, and it has grown from a niche and intimate (also illegal) subculture to a mainstream recognized talent. There are facebook pages, Twitter accounts, websites, and groups devoted to this artistic outlet here in Toronto.

Here is a link to some cool places in Toronto that are filled with great street art:

Another link to the “Best Toronto Street Art”:

Toronto Street art even has a page on pinterest!

Here are few images I took myself, on King and Portland St.


Keep an eye out for some really interesting art in Toronto! You never know what you might be overlooking in your daily travels around the city..